Adaptive Distributed Space-Time Coding for Cooperative MIMO Relaying Systems
An adaptive randomized distributed space-time coding (DSTC) scheme and algorithms are proposed for two-hop cooperative MIMO networks. Linear minimum mean square error (MMSE) receivers and an amplify-and-forward (AF) cooperation strategy are considered. In the proposed DSTC scheme, a randomized matrix obtained by a feedback channel is employed to transform the space-time coded matrix at the relay node. Linear MMSE expressions are devised to compute the parameters of the adaptive randomized matrix and the linear receive filter.
A stochastic gradient algorithm is also developed to compute the parameters of the adaptive randomized matrix with reduced computational complexity. We also derive the upper bound of the error probability of a cooperative MIMO system employing the randomized space-time coding scheme first. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithms obtain significant performance gains as compared to existing DSTC schemes.
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@inproceedings{PeLaSc12b, author = {Tong Peng and Rodrigo Caiado de Lamare and Anke Schmeink}, title = "Adaptive Distributed Space-Time Coding for Cooperative {MIMO} Relaying Systems", pages = "611-615", booktitle = "{IEEE} International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS)", address = {Paris, France}, month = Aug, year = 2012, hsb = hsb999910269895 , }
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