AG Kommunikationstheorie


Termin Vortragender Thema
21.04.2011, 10:00
26.04.2011, 13:30 Aurupong Yiwleak Intercarrier Interference Cancellation Using Complex Conjugate Technique for Alamouti-Coded MIMO-OFDM Systems
03.05.2011, 13:30
10.05.2011, 13:30 Markus Rothe Compressed Sensing for Multihop Relay Networks with Correlated Sources
12.05.2011, 10:00
17.05.2011, 13:30
19.05.2011, 10:00
24.05.2011, 14:00 Prof. Tadeusz A. Wysocki Biological Communications at the Nano-scale
07.06.2011, 16:00 Grit Claßen Energy Efficient Wireless Network Planning under Demand Uncertainty
09.06.2011, 10:00 Johannes Schmitz Implementation and Performance Analysis of Cyclostationary Signature Detection for OFDM-based Cognitive Radio Applications
09.06.2011, 10:45 Andreas Steiger Evaluation of a Graph-based Clustering Approach for Radio Network Planning
28.06.2011, 13:30 Andreas Bollig Compressive Sampling for Distributed Spectrum Sensing in Wireless Communication Networks
12.07.2011, 13:30 student project (supervisor Chunhui Liu)
12.07.2011, 14:30 Sidelaabed Bensouda Interferenz-Ausrichtung und Lineare Kodierung für Linear Deterministische Mehrbenutzer Interferenzkanäle
14.07.2011, 10:00 Norbert van Lier Efficient Bandwidth Allocation and Rate Optimization for OFDMA (student project, supervisor Chunhui Liu)
27.09.2011, 10:00 Markus Niermann Development of web comment detection and evaluation algorithms for focused web crawling
28.09.2011, 10:00 Johannes Schmitz Implementation and Performance Analysis of Cyclostationary Signature Detection for OFDM-based Cognitive Radio Applications
30.09.2011, 10:00 Smich Butcharoen On the Performance of Cooperative Multihop communications

Alle Termine finden im Seminarraum (24 A 407) des Lehrstuhls für Theoretische Informationstechnik statt.

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