Optimization in Engineering (V2/Ü1)

All information is available in L2P as well. Every participant should sign up for the L2P room.

L2P - Lehr- und Lernportal der RWTH Aachen.


Lecture Dates (Campus)
Exercise Dates (Campus)
Exam Dates (Campus)

The first lecture will take place on Monday, 13.10.2014.

The first exercise will take place on Monday, 20.10.2014.

There will be weekly consultation hours taking place on wednesday from 11-12 am in the UMIC building, room 105.


The results are now online. The password was distributed during the exam with your information sheet. If your key is lost or does not match, please contact Michael or Alper with your official RWTH-email-address and ID.

The corrected exams can be inspected on Friday, 6th March 2015, 10:00 at the Seminarraum 24 A 407 of the Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Informationstechnik, Sommerfeldstr. 24.

The exam is passed with 32 points.

On 05.02.15 the script and the formulary sheet are updated.

As announced in the first lecture the exercises will start subsequent to a short break after the lecture. (at about 14.50)


Over the last two decades important problems of modern communication technology have been solved by means of optimization methods. In this lecture the associated theory and solving methods are provided. They will be demonstrated in a multitude of active examples from information theory and communication technology, e.g., power adaptation in mobile networks and rate adaptation for multiple access networks. Key aspects will be modeling, convex optimization, Lagrange duality, and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions.


We offer a written examination on Thursday, 26.02.2015 in PPS H2, Professor-Pirlet-Straße. The exam will begin at 8.30am.

Knowledge of sections 8.2 and 8.3 from the script is not required.

The results are now online. The password was distributed during the exam with your information sheet. If your key is lost or does not match, please contact Michael or Alper with your official RWTH-email-address and ID.

During the exam you may use a non-graphical, non-programmable calculator from this list as well as the formulary sheet of optimization, which will be distributed by us at the same time as the exam problems. Bringing your own material is forbidden.

The exam problems will be in English. However, you may answer either in German or English.


As prepartion for the written exam we offer the following.

A review exercise (Zusatzübung) will take place on Wednesday 11.02.15 at 2pm in the UMIC building, room 025. Download of the review exercise. Download of the solution to the review exercise.

We provide an extra consultation hour (Fragestunde) on Wednesday 18.02.15 at 10am in the UMIC building, room 025.

Script and Handouts


Solutions may be handed in before the exercises, in L2P or via Email to Christoph Schmitz.

Consultation hour

Prof. Dr. A. Schmeink nach Vereinbarung
Dr. Michael Reyer nach Vereinbarung
Alper Tokel M.Sc. nach Vereinbarung
Christoph Schmitz nach Vereinbarung

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